Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June Dr. Visit

This week we saw Dr. Hinton. The experience was less than good. We sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes, only to be called back and sit in the exam room for another 15 minutes. After she entered the room, we were there for 5 minutes and gone! Oh well, that's the only doc we have not had a good experience with. We've got a 1 in 8 chance of having her on delivery day!

On to the important stuff, Michelle had to receive a Rhogam shot since her blood is O negative. This is to prevent her blood from infecting Cameron during and after delivery. Other than the shot, it was pretty much a normal visit. We heard his heart beat, it was 132, and they measured Michelle. Everything is still good!

We started our classes last week as well. We will be going to the infant CPR class next week. That will be followed by our prenatal care classes.

Our next appt is July 20. We'll have an update then!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nursery Pictures

Here are some early pictures of what Cameron's nursery will look like!