Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving and going to Little Rock

Cameron at Great Grandma's. This was her first time to meet him and his first trip to Little Rock. He slept all but 30 minutes on the way down and he slept the whole way back to Rogers. Looks like we'll be able to take more trips with him without stressing over how he'll do in the car.

This little guy is getting stronger and stronger.

Cameron's first Thanksgiving! Aunt Rachel and Uncle Steve came over to eat with us. We had way too much food, especially desserts. Pumpkin pie, chocolate pie, pecan pie, pumpkin cheesecake...we're still eating pie!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

13 lbs 15.2 oz!!!

Yep, he's getting big! He's 24.5 inches long. The doctor said he's going to be a big boy. We knew that just from his feet. He was given his first round of shots - he screamed and cried. The nurse put a Bugs Bunny bandaid on each leg. He had two shots in his left leg and one in his right. We calmed him down, got him dressed and put him in his carrier. It was cold outside so we put a blanket over him and when I lifted it up to take a peek he opened his eyes. He was already asleep...before we even left the room! He was still asleep when I dropped him off at daycare. He slept a lot yesterday and was more fussy than usual once he got home. We made it through the first half of the basketball game before coming home because he was crying so bad. He's a bit more fussy than usual today too. I'm hoping it's because of yesterday's shots. I've got a lot of baking to do before Rachel and Steve come over for Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Daycare's Hard Work

When I picked him up he was sitting in a rocking chair (strapped in) and was cooing at a little girl that was sitting on the floor in front of him. It was so cute! They were just studying each other. I wish I brought my camera, or videocamera! He did well...took an hour nap, ate well, and barely fussed at all. The teacher said "when he's hungry he's hungry now". That was the only time he really got fussy. I feel much better about tomorrow. Stay tuned for tomorrow's weigh-in!

First Day at Daycare

I cried all the way home! I know they'll take good care of him, but it won't be me. We're starting him with just half days and then progressing to whole days to prepare for when I return to work (Thursday, Dec. 3rd). I'm glad I'm easing myself into this, because I don't want to start back to work this emotional! He's so sweet and he's starting to do so much now...cooing, smiling, kicking those chubby little legs.
We're getting ready for his first road trip this weekend. We'll be going to Little Rock to see everyone for Thanksgiving weekend. I can't wait to see how he does in the car for that long and for everyone to see him.
Four more hours until I pick up the sweet little guy!

Cameron Cooing in the Morning

Friday, September 18, 2009

We're home!

We got home around 3pm today. Mom and baby are doing great! I've send out a link to our new photo album. If you didn't get it, let us know, and we'll send it to you! Time to get some rest, we're all beat. Thank the Lord, Vicki is here! She's be a great amount of help. My parents have been great also, just mention Vicki specifically since she cooked some mean turkey pasta! Everyone is so excited. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts as prayers!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cameron is here!!!!!!

Cameron came this morning around 10:30. He weighed exactly nine pounds. We'll have a full report once he goes to the nursery. Mom and baby are perfect, and spending some time bonding!

He's almost here!

Michelle got an epidural around 3:30 this morning to help with contractions. At that point she was 3-4 cm. Now she is at 6cm, and Dr. Cole broke her water this morning. So we're off and running, Cameron will be here today!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Last post for the night (maybe)!

We are slowly moving along, contractions are mild and painless at this point. Pitocin starts at 6am tomorrow, so we're going to try and get some sleep. May give another update at midnight with the dilation check, but we'll see how tired we are.

We're in the hospital

We've been admitted to the hospital. Michelle has been given the dilating pill. They typically give 1/4 of the pill, since she's basically starting at 0, they gave her 1/2 pill. We will try to keep this updated with pictures and stuff, as much as possible!

More Pictures!

Here are some pictures of the nursery. We haven't had a change to put books on the book shelves yet, they were just installed today.

Baby shower pictures

We forgot to upload these pictures. These are from the shower Mandy McNabb and Elizabeth Foote threw for us in July. Thank you both so much for doing this!

Two more days!

We saw Dr. Cole today, and scheduled our visit to the hospital. We will be admitted to the hospital at 5pm Wednesday, Sept. 16. They will give Michelle a dilating agent around 6pm, and another at midnight. If she's not starting labor, they will start Pitocin at 6am. Cameron Bruce Henderson will be here no later than Thursday!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

No 09-09-09 Birthday

We saw Dr. Gorman again today to find out I'm still not dialated at all. He's still low, which is good, because we've been walking 2.5 miles a day to ensure he's low. We heard the heartbeat again today, something you never tire of. Cameron's legs and feet are over on my right side and his little butt is right above my belly button (or what used to be my belly button). It's amazing how the doctors can poke around just a tiny bit and know exactly how he's positioned. Everything is looking great. The doctor told us it's normal for your first pregnancy to go beyond the due date and that he sees this ten times a day.

We scheduled our final prenatal appointment for next Tuesday (11:30 again) with Dr. Cole. If I'm still not dialated, we'll be back Wednesday evening to get things started...otherwise we'll be back Thursday morning. We're curious to see what they consider "evening" and "morning". Either way, it looks like Cameron's birthday will most likely be September 17th (four months after mine to the day). We found out the list of on call doctors for next week. It looks like if things go fast and he arrives Wednesday he'll be delivered by Dr. Cole (we saw him at 20 weeks after our ultrasound). If he arrives on Thursday he'll be delivered by Dr. Seale, who we've seen twice already and really liked. Dr. Hinton will be on call starting Friday until Sunday. We should have the hard parts over with by then and be itching to get home!

So...this is our last weekend as a family of two. Next week everything will change...for the rest of our lives. We were talking at lunch about how we feel a little less anxious now that something has been scheduled/planned. Yes, he could still come before then, but given the progress so far, it seems highly unlikely.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Two more weeks??

Today we saw Dr. Gorman. We had heard some bad things about him, but I think that woman was just disgruntled. Dr. Gorman was excellent! He told jokes and made us feel comfortable to be around him. Our due date is Sept. 9, which is next Wednesday! Dr. Gorman told us we would be back on the 9th and if Cameron isn't here by then, we would come back on the 16th. The doctor told us if he's not here on the 16th, he should be here before December! We thought that was pretty funny.

Seriously, if Cameron isn't here by Sept. 16, we will go in that day to schedule induction on Sept 17. So at the absolute latest, Cameron Bruce Henderson will be born Sept 18-19! So everyone that is itching to see him, you have at most 16 days. So be patient, we're walking and doing everything the doctor says to get him here as fast as we can.

We hope to have his nursery complete very soon, and will have pictures on here as soon as that is done.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Three More Weeks?

We saw Dr. Seale yesterday and got to hear Cameron's heartbeat again...beating at 147 beats per minute. She thinks he'll be between 7.5 to 8 pounds (Corey heard 8.5 pounds) by September 9th. I was 7 pounds 15 ounces and Corey was 6 pounds 1 ounce...so we'll see how he compares to us. His head's already down low, which she said was exactly what they liked to see. I'm not dialated any yet though. We'll be seeing Dr. Seale again next Wednesday, hopefully to find that everything's progressing right along. I was glad to hear he is already head down, but I couldn't believe it with the way he's been moving all around, or I guess his arms and legs have. We're just waiting for him to arrive! We have our hospital bag ready to go and plan on finishing up the nursery this weekend. We still have a few things to get into place...the bookshelves should be here within a week, the ottoman will be here after that, the picture his grandmother painted for Corey will go perfect in his room. Michele has painted each letter of his name on a canvas in colors to match his bedding...I can't wait to hang it up on the wall. Everything's coming together nicely. We'll post pictures as soon as we get everything together.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First August Visit!

Today we saw Dr. Duke. He was great! We heard the heartbeat again today. Other than that, it was a pretty normal visit. We go back August 19, where Michelle will have the Group Beta Strep test. Now we need to find a pediatrician, get packed and get ready for the hospital!

Monday, July 20, 2009

More Shower pictures

July Dr. Visits/ Shower's

Today we saw Dr. Bailey again. The visit was pretty normal. We heard Cameron's heartbeat, and spoke to him about delivery expectations, as far as the absolute latest we would deliver. He told us we would not go any farther than 41 weeks!

We also had two showers this past weekend, and want to thank Cyd and Michele for all their hard work! We really appreciate you guys! I'm adding some pictures of the two showers. We had one at my grandparents and one at Cyd Miller's house.

Our next appointment is Aug. 5. We start going every two weeks until Michelle hits 36 weeks. Currently she's in the 34th week! So it's getting close!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June Dr. Visit

This week we saw Dr. Hinton. The experience was less than good. We sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes, only to be called back and sit in the exam room for another 15 minutes. After she entered the room, we were there for 5 minutes and gone! Oh well, that's the only doc we have not had a good experience with. We've got a 1 in 8 chance of having her on delivery day!

On to the important stuff, Michelle had to receive a Rhogam shot since her blood is O negative. This is to prevent her blood from infecting Cameron during and after delivery. Other than the shot, it was pretty much a normal visit. We heard his heart beat, it was 132, and they measured Michelle. Everything is still good!

We started our classes last week as well. We will be going to the infant CPR class next week. That will be followed by our prenatal care classes.

Our next appt is July 20. We'll have an update then!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nursery Pictures

Here are some early pictures of what Cameron's nursery will look like!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Aunt Michelle and Uncle Corey

We're now Aunt Michelle and Uncle Corey. Davis Wayne Young was born last night around 1:30 am. He's 6 pounds and 13 ounces and is 20 inches long. I can't wait to see him in person! Congratulations Stuart and Angie!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May Dr. visit

The May visit was pretty uneventful compared to the April visit. Michelle took the test for gestational diabetes. They told us "no news is good news" and that they'll let us know if there are any problems.

We scheduled a 3D/4D ultrasound for June 26. We will be doing that at the Park Hill Clinic also. Our next appointment is scheduled for June 22, where Michelle will be getting a Rhogam shot. She will go in between 8-9am and have blood drawn, then we'll go that afternoon to see the doc and get the shot.

We have some new clothes for Cameron that we will be getting on here shortly!

Keep us in your prayers!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Baby bedding

We purchased baby bedding this weekend! Check it out and tell us what you think!